Maren Mahsereci
Maren Mahsereci
thanks for the hint. that makes sense. I'll give it a go!
Thanks, Jonathan, I think this is an important issue. I have two questions: - Are there best practices known for certain settings? For example if I have the spectrum, which...
I would second this. One question: Does this only concern `SymmetricMatrixVariateNormal`, or do we also support the non-symmetric version? (just curious, not saying we need to support the non-symmetric case...
hey, just jumping in real quick. For the test problems, let's open another PR as it is quite separate from the Stein Kernels. I know it may seem not necessary...
> Also to answer to Maren's point about Monte Carlo tests more directly: I have now added seeds. The integrands all also work with bayesquad, but I have found the...
OK, I think now only comments regarding VDC policy are left. Mainly, the exceptions raised in `bayesian_quadrature` should be moved to the vbc policy and the tests need to be...
hi @ClaireCp , could you perhaps supply a code sniped that shows where the code fails? It would be easier for me to understand precisely what you are referring. Thanks!
> I can confirm that it's a bit flacky, but not nearly as bad as 50% for me. Running this test locally, it fails once every 20 runs or so....
It seems that there are two more tests failing now. These ones do not seem to be simply flaky but there are some shape and index errors. - `tests/emukit/bayesian_optimization/[3]` -...
Perhaps it's due to scipy again. They released version 1.9.0 some days ago and the failed tests seem to be using it while the tests that pass use an older...