when the code asks for IP address, it uses hardcoded hostname (from library) **esp32-arduino** not the configurable *network mDNS name*, this makes finding proper device more difficult, when multicast is...
today an RS92 sonde is flying nearby, but it is not decoded properly, only its id is parsed I am putting the log output from serial port, I hope you...
The text for charge / discharge is too long, it does not fit on the screen, it causes to overflow last character to begin of the line overwriting the leading...
T Beam has a LED (a red one in fact) on pin 4, but in opposite to other boards (like TTGO Lora 2.1) it has the cathode connected to the...
please update the wiring description [PMS1003 to PMS6003]( it does not work, when pins 3 and 6 (SET and RESET) are left floating both pins must be tied to 3v3,...
### Answers checklist. - [X] I have read the documentation [ESP-IDF Programming Guide]( and the issue is not addressed there. - [X] I have updated my IDF branch (master or...