Michael Brown

Results 14 issues of Michael Brown

With Hush enabled, you cannot use wetransfer.com. The "Transfer" button never becomes enabled.

## Checklist **If you have any non-Apple hardware components - submit your results to the `Custom Hardware` table.** * [x] I performed [all steps](https://github.com/devMEremenko/XcodeBenchmark#before-each-test) to correctly run XcodeBenchmark. * [x]...

Given that [Loop](https://github.com/ReactiveCocoa/Loop) is now the canonical version of this project, and that the original creators and maintainers are now only maintaining Loop, can this project be marked as abandoned,...

All the floating point placeholders (a, e, f, and g) translate to the `Float` type: https://github.com/SwiftGen/SwiftGen/blob/f79fa84e7088cdcadf43c69cd1f4e96d996ce171/Sources/SwiftGenKit/Parsers/Strings/PlaceholderType.swift#L25-L26 However [this Tech Doc from Apple](https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/CoreFoundation/Conceptual/CFStrings/formatSpecifiers.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40004265) indicates that they should be treated as `Double`...

These two operators are use a lot in F# and also in Swift. FiraCode supports them, but I prefer the look of Hasklig. They are the only two I use...

Adds support for using setting the `attributedText` property of the `UITextField`. Setting this value was always possible of course, but the logic of `SkyFloatingLabelTextField` in reaction to other changes (eg...

Currently, if no frame or auto layout constraints are set, `intrinsicContentSize.width` is always zero, which is a bug. In a standard `UITextField`, `intrinsicContentSize.width` is wide enough to display the placeholder...

Added an Xcode project which builds the code as a framework so it can be used by [Carthage](https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage). Also made changes to the README to add Carthage info and a...

Not really an issue, just a question. The title says it all 😄 Would be a great way to avoid having to have Wormholy or similar in the app for...

When trying to decrypt secrets on my homepage, having accessed it with `http` instead of `https` I got the rather unhelpful error: ``` Decryption failed: TypeError: Cannot read properties of...
