Mary Schaeffer
Mary Schaeffer
TO:0001035 Stem width. "A stem morphology trait (TO:0000361) which is the width of a stem (PO:0009047). Seems similar if not the same thing as TO:0020083 Stem diameter. "A stem morphology...
A stem morphology trait (TO:0000361) which is the width of a stem (PO:0009047) whose transverse section is oval and can be defined by a minor and major axis (this trait)....
A stem morphology trait (TO:0000361) which is the width of a stem (PO:0009047) whose transverse section is oval and can be defined by a minor (this term) and a major...
leaf sheath margin is required to annotate traits from published literature for maize. Specifically, pubescence of the leaf sheath margin, as separate from pubescence of the leaf sheath. See Flint-Garcia...
A suggestion - see last sentence Looking to select PO terms to annotate maize trait 'tassel angle', defined as "average angle of branches, estimated in the field; 0 degrees, side...