Milan Matull

Results 13 comments of Milan Matull

Agreed. From a consumers' perspective it's more transparent to depend on a preset. Edit: We should either create a plugin pack or consider just adopting postcss-preset-env Which would stay...

@simonsmith I think it is safe to drop IE10 by now. IE11 hovers around 2,5% still, so I'd say we would need to respect that unfortunately. Anecdotical: We recently...

@simonsmith I think grid is one of the more powerful and useful components. We had trouble with people not understanding the concepts behind it as well. Having better documentation and...

> I agree that the first step would be to reorganize the org and make a monorepo but I also don't have time to do this right now. > @mlnmln...

> I understand this is correct behaviour but does that mean each time I try to publish one package change I have to bump every other package? @simonsmith Initially you...

> @mlnmln no worries, lerna should be fine. Do you have an idea of what features of lerna do we need? I am asking because in theory we could even...

Added a working state in a PR, please let me know what you think. Please note that the following topics are not part of it intentionally: * Preserving paths to...

Package location can be configured in lerna.json, so this should work. We might run into unforeseen issues if we have multiple, different paths in the future though. Would need...

Sorry if I am resurrecting any zombies, but could somebody give an update on the current state of SUIT CSS? * How far did you progress 2018? * Are there...

@simonsmith My company has been using SUIT CSS for years, so we have incentives for an actively maintained package. I do have some personal experience with lerna.js, yes. I'll check...