Murray Lisook
Murray Lisook
+1 for @vaadin-marcus ... As far as I can tell, what's happening is the mutationObserver at google-map.html 468-470: ``` this._mutationObserver.observe(this.$.selector, { childList: true }); ``` is watching an iron-selector that...
BTW even the minimal functionality test in [/test/markers-add-remove.html]( fails if you use shadow dom.
@tst-dhudlow I'm sorry, but the concept of the wrapping `div` around the content tag is just not going to work. Its not just plain text nodes, either, as the earlier...
@ebidel The method in your comment from last week will work to allow the content of a child, like the google-map-marker, to be moved into a parent's shadow dom (google-map)....
I modified that last [JS Bin](,output) to include a style on one of the elements moving. The style is quashed under shadow dom, but shows under shady, as I suspected.
@tst-dhudlow I can do that (PR into your branch), but I'm in an area with only sketchy internet access until after the holiday. With that it should be possible to...
@Fausto-theXS the reusable window that is invoked on-google-map-marker-click is how the [paper-map-info]( ([demo]( works.
@ebidel I understand and agree completely. I don't think the styles thing is as important as events either, although it is outside developer's expectations, since something as straightforward as: ```...
I think this is a _very_ important issue to resolve and I'll continue to follow this issue and the 294 pull request. In the interim, I've created an element to...
@Fausto-theXS that is the approach I started with, but after lots of work and research, I'm sad to say the answer is no, not really. At least not in a...