Results 4 issues of Miraç Gülgönül

Following the C++ API: ``` b2RevoluteJointDef jointDef; b2RevoluteJoint* joint = (b2RevoluteJoint*)myWorld->CreateJoint(&jointDef); ``` I have tried: ``` jointDef := box2d.MakeB2RevoluteJointDef() joint := (*box2d.B2RevoluteJoint)(world.CreateJoint(&jointDef)) ``` which results in the error: `cannot convert...

I was wondering if it was somehow possible to implement displaying the symbolic variables in the notebook environment like `sympy` does. For clarification, this is the current situation: ![Current situation:](

on wsl2 Debian under windows 11, even though the Gowin executable "gw_sh" is under my $PATH, litex can't find it. the issue seems to come from []( ``` if os.uname().release.find("WSL")...


I do not know if this is specific to my system (maybe it's broken), but `sudo make install` installs the python module to: `/usr/local/lib/python3/dist-packages/grdab`, which is not in my python...