Malte Legenhausen

Results 133 comments of Malte Legenhausen

What will be probably the future behaviour of decorators? Will they be un-writable?

Ok thanks. Currently it is really annoying to set default values everywhere to get the appropriate behaviour especially as you said when you want to work with angular2. Anyway, a...

Have the same error. Please publish the current state of the project.

@TheLarkInn Thanks, I know the struggle :) I will watch your repo maybe I can help out. But currently everything works as expected.

Forget my previous answer the problem is the `url` and `config` get merged in a `fetch#Request` object. I think to realize this the current solution needs to use [CLS](

Which issue do you mean exactly? Are there any blockers? Pull requests especially bugfixes are always welcome. Yes there is some delay cause I can not always find the time...

It should be solved when you install `whatwg-fetch` or define `whatwg-fetch` as `external`. The intention is to automatically resolve some `fetch` implementation, that can be intercepted. Never tested `fetch-intercept` without...

Ok I think requiring `whatwg-fetch` is not the best way to ensure this. I think instead a simple error should be thrown during runtime and the developer needs to make...

Your current code does not return the promise. and you are using an async function. Your code should look something like this: ```ts registerFetchIntercept({ request: async (url: string, options: any):...

Try to register two times. Each registration stands for a `then(request, requestError)` block. So when you raise an error in `request` you have a second `then` like `then(request).then(null, requestError)`. Also...