Mingkai Dong
Mingkai Dong
I have solved this problem by setting DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to the lib path of icu4c. See [this issue](https://github.com/Homebrew/brew/issues/2379). The brew guy says it's the `charlock_holmes` that should fix this, but actually...
Is that caused by the lack of emoji fonts? I wonder what if you copy the green arrow (from your system terminal) into the *Scratch* buffer, will that be displayed...
> Thanks. Can you reduce the PR? GitHub highlights some changes that do not appear to be actual change (I don't know why) That is because of the indent changes....
BTW, there are also grammars for bibtex https://github.com/latex-lsp/tree-sitter-bibtex and https://github.com/latex-lsp/tree-sitter-biber .
请问是有计划将语言作为单独一类 backend 使用吗?我最近根据 https://github.com/emacs-grammarly/lsp-grammarly 将 grammarly 与 texlab 做成了一个 multiserver:https://github.com/manateelazycat/lsp-bridge/commit/20bb0e02b11b21cce65c3d92f829222dbfd6e732 虽然勉强能用,但是我也觉得语言类 LS 比较特殊,用排列组合做 multiserver 的方法不太能拓展(比如 markdown/asciidoc/text/org/... 与 grammarly/languagetool/...)
在我理解中,现在的 LSP server 就像是 Emacs 的 major mode,只能选择其中一个来使用。而 multiserver 的机制也只是把两个 server 生硬拼凑在一起。 如果我理解正确的话,我认为”语法检查“这类任务更适合作为 minor mode 用于与其他 major mode 配合使用,而且应该可以随时开启/关闭。 我现在想把 grammarly 的 server 也加到 lsp-bridge 中,但是我目前也只知道怎么配置为 multiserver。看到最开始您提到的 > lsp-bridge English...