Marko Kungla
Marko Kungla
> Supporting tinygo seems like a worthwhile feature. I would need to look into it to understand how much work this would take. Seems that only following in `decoder.go` would...
@fxamacker in brief look of your code I see that `reflect` package is primarily used to get underlying builtin type of value and value it self to be encoded or...
If in your want to use boolean expression of the prompt then following would do the the job. ```go package main import ( "errors" "fmt" "strings" "" ) func main()...
Github has feature to archive repository if it's not anymore developed. Could you add at least something to README why this project is discontinued or has become obsolete?
@fxamacker has that issue become obsolete
I think following example will produce expected behavior of original question. ```yaml job_d: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: [job_a, job_b] if: | always() && !contains(needs.*.result, 'failure') && !contains(needs.*.result, 'cancelled') && needs.job_a.outputs.truthy_string steps:...
Addition to @ChristopherHX comment. If your job has 2 dependencies e.g. ```yml e2e-test: needs: - deploy_backend_staging - deploy_frontend_staging ``` where one may skipped and atleast one of these must succeed...
cc @maissani
Seems that it still happening. I am facing a same issue. Got it running by just removing config dir. (actually im not sure did i ever install it in this...