I've created snapshot with ``` [hosts] mkudlej-usm1-gl1 mkudlej-usm1-gl2 mkudlej-usm1-gl3 mkudlej-usm1-gl4 mkudlej-usm1-gl5 mkudlej-usm1-gl6 [snapshot] action=create snapname=snap_alpha1 volname=mkudlej-usm1-gl1:volume_usmqe_alpha_distrep_6x2 force=yes ``` then I've added and removed some files in volume ```volume_usmqe_alpha_distrep_6x2``` and I've...
I think that there should be Documentation section ( in service file for systemd.
I think that Tendrl API daemon should run under non root user because API communicates only with clients and ETCD via HTTP API.