Results 11 issues of Gyeongsik Moon

hi thanks for sharing your nice code in objective.lua, you scaled gradient by cls_count, which means total number of roi across all mini batches it seems correct for cnet because...

Did you train your model with multiple GPUs? When I train my model with your module in multi-gpu environment, it encounters an error as below. I used nn.DataParallel to wrap...

Hi, I`m gyeongsik moon from computer vision lab, seoul national university. I`m trying to train my model on the MPII dataset, however, many of papers did not mention the details...

Hi, thanks for sharing the code of your work. I have some questions about your method. Have you tried end-to-end learning (joint learning of detector and regression network)? If so,...

Hi, thanks for the dataset. It seems there is no connection between poses and parsings. For example, `train/parsing_annos/1360_05_01.png` and `person_0` in `train/pose_annos/1360.mat` represents different persons. Could you provide connections between...

Hi, I'm trying to use your dataset, but I met some problems. I visualized the mesh using [manopth]( using provided groundtruth mano parameters, but got very strange result. You can...

Hi thanks for sharing your code I have a question about your hand detection module which is used in most of the hand pose estimation papers recently. According to 96...

Hi, I found a bug on `shapedirs` of MANO. Although the `v_template` of the right and left hands, are different, `shapedirs` is the same. This can make the same `betas`...

Hi, thanks for your amazing work. I was wondering where do you use depthmaps from mono_depth. I can't find it in both of your pre-processing files including 1) and...

Hi, Does your roi align layer support multi gpu? I got the weird result when RoI align layer from yours.. For example, if I use 2 gpu, the number of...