Max Kreminski

Results 41 issues of Max Kreminski

When rewriting a block of text into a chunk of poetry, we currently disregard inline-level formatting (such as italics and bolded text) entirely. [Human-generated blackout poetry](, on the other hand,...

We currently poemify a block of text by running several matchers over it in parallel, then randomly choosing one successful match to use from all the matches that succeeded. I...

Example /tellraw: ``` /tellraw @a { text:"Hover.", hoverEvent:{ action:show_entity, value:"{name:\"Bob\",type:Creeper,id:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" } } ``` Apparently, all keys within `value` (`name`, `type` and `id`) are optional.

The bootstrap script was failing to fetch the Closure compiler jar because it was using an outdated download URL. I updated the download URL, allowing the bootstrap script to run...

As suggested by > hey can you add a "My body is made of nanomachines" and a "my body is synthetic meat" to the gender quiz thing?

Type to filter potential jump locations. See matches highlighted in the document as you type. Use left and right keys to jump between locations in the current set of matches....


At the moment, a "placeholder" is really just a special-cased `:atom` whose `:text` happens to be `"..."`. We should probably establish a separate `:type` for placeholders (maybe `:placeholder`, maybe `:hole`)...


When the selection moves from one sexp to another, Flense should check to see if the newly selected sexp is visible in the current viewport. If it is not, the...


This will allow embedders to tell the user exactly which action will be undone or redone when they attempt to undo or redo. It might also enable something like a...
