
Results 7 comments of mkq

@spoenemann Our workaround is this: ``` eclipse { project { file { beforeMerged { gp -> setEclipsePreference(file('.settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs'), 'encoding/', FILE_ENCODING) }} } } project.ext.setProperty = { File file, String key, String...

Well, here's the missing "complaint". If this enhancement made winpty a better [workaround for this gradle issue](, I would appreciate it.

Thanks, I had already skimmed through that page before creating this issue. While this solution is a great improvement over the wrappers you have to explicitely invoke, it's still a...

In PowerToys Run, you can assign a shortcut to the Window Navigation plug-in, e.g. a dot. (Don't know the exact English names, my PowerToys installation is in German.) Then enter...

I recently did something similar which also works inside tmux, where mintty is not among the current shell's ancestors. ``` #!/usr/bin/env bash # Guesses the PID of the mintty process...

Although I'm not the requester, this is what I use it for: In my zsh `precmd` and `preexec` functions, I pass mintty's Windows PID to an Autohotkey script. That uses...