
Results 9 issues of mkpoli

Thank you for providing such a cool tool. It's so useful. Sometimes I need to type some special characters like ɿ, ʅ, ʮ, ʯ, ᴀ, ᴇ. I hope this App...


Use cross-plaform commands ``cross-env`` and ``rimraf`` for env ``STAGE=prod`` and ``rm -rf``

Guangyun has some historical variant as orthodox character (正字) which are not included as of f3851be60463be66fd13d060c3e5be658a0aff17 (v0.1.1) Modern Common Variant | Guangyun Variant ------------------------------|---------------------- 樣 | 㨾 姊 | 𡛷...

polyhedron 的拼音,端精組拼二等時應該加隔音符號 ' 以區分與知莊組

# 需求說明 現在在搜索結果中會自動顯示 Baxter transcription,這相比以前要方便許多。然而 Baxter transcription 不一定是每個人都偏好的,比如我習慣於看古韻羅馬字。因此我建議在檢索結果中並用多種拼音(或者也有代替方案,見下)。另外,最好使用 title 這個 attr 來提示拼音的種類。 # 目前狀況 ![image]( # 目標需求 ![image]( ## 代替方案 再或者提供一個選項(或可以存在 cookie 中)來設定喜歡的方案。 # 實現可行性 完全可行。只需要修改 的的兩行代碼即可

My pull request on this issue: #45

Translation issue included mistakenly copy-paste error, enable-disable invertion and bad formatting of LadderJump Jumpstats.

![image]( ![image](