AndroLua copied to clipboard
Lua and LuaJava ported to Android
Simple .gitignore added
I made the output TextView selectable
Hi there, the function 'pushJavaArray' which exist in JavaLua, but it seems like was removed from AndroLua, Why? Thanks!
For some reason I cannot find the standard output for my scripts, as it doesn't go to logcat or Android console. I'm loading them from files in programming time and...
Just a heads up, this appears now: ``` Android NDK: WARNING: APP_PLATFORM android-9 is larger than android:minSdkVersion 4 in ./AndroidManifest.xml Android NDK: WARNING:jni/lua/ LOCAL_LDLIBS is always ignored for static libraries...
I'm grateful to pass the news that Paul Kulchenko's ZeroBraneStudio now should support AndroLua debugging. The latest version of ZBS can be downloaded from and the instructions to make...
Hello! Thank you for great lua lib. Unfortunately it seems there is a problem with this library when you try to run it in the app that is ProGuarded. To...
Hi Michal! You use @override for interface implementations, and new SDK is picky about that, because it is not a true override of a method. After removing these, everything worked...
Hi, I'm using androLua for general View widgets in android, and by just changing dot '.' to colon ':' it works well like java code. but my lua script gets...