AndroLua copied to clipboard
@override problems with latest SDK
Hi Michal!
You use @override for interface implementations, and new SDK is picky about that, because it is not a true override of a method.
After removing these, everything worked fine, thank you!
I've modified AndroLua so that it now provides a proper little Lua REPL, with a small luasocket client program.
Thanks, actually I haven't touched AndroLua for some time, and I know the SDK has been updated (several times) since then. Those used to be overrides once (they are added automatically by Eclipse). I will have a look at it and update the code.
The socket part was out of my frustration of typing code using the Android keyboard. Could you share your REPL so that I could add it to the repository?
Sure, I'll put up a fork (such a nice word these days ;)). The key difference is that the socket server now writes back to the connected program, so that a simple little LuaSocket app can give a REPL. I also added a helper library as an asset which allows dynamic resolution of classes:
require 'import'
import 'android.os.*'
The other thing I added were some permissions so that I could make my phone vibrate from the command line ;)
I will add one more thing, which would extend package.path to look in `context.getExternalFilesDir(null)+"/lua/?.lua" as well and provide a command for uploading Lua files to this directory. Useful for development; obviously scripts must be deployed as assets for deployment.
I did some fixes to LuaJava once and I'll try to recover what I did; I used to be a big fan and even contemplated helping with maintainance since the Brazilians are so busy.