Michael Kopinsky

Results 19 comments of Michael Kopinsky

You're right - there's no way to get a (non-numeric) `$key` with the current code. I'm not using the environment variable approach myself, but taking a format like what you...

This extra output is also causing a problem for me with [powerlevel10k's Instant Prompt feature](https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k/blob/master/README.md#instant-prompt). ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/591435/116948567-b1c6ff00-ac4d-11eb-8847-72437a5ca5f4.png) Especially given that (as @thejustinwalsh pointed out) the theme puts the node version into...

mysqld_exporter only exports metrics that are numeric: https://github.com/prometheus/mysqld_exporter/blob/4e8e2b98de1c2bcfed7bf0a5c08b3a885b1cbf46/collector/global_variables.go#L164

The "mostly*" above refers to https://github.com/surveyjs/survey-creator/issues/609

For some reason that didn't set the default values in the JSON when it's added to the toolbox (in `QuestionToolbox.prototype.registerCustomWidgets`). Perhaps that function should be looking at JSONMetadata to pre-set...

We have had a penetration test conducted on our sf1 application (included manual as well as automated tools such as burp) and the issues discovered were all application issues (eg...

I just want to chime in - my team maintains a large sf1 app with no viable migration path to sf2+. There are lots of non-sf1 parts of the codebase...

I'm curious - if we would schedule a half-day hackathon to collaborate on this, how many of you would be interested/able to participate? Let's say we did it a weekday...

The link to your change doesn't seem to work. I believe the correct link is https://github.com/habitissimo/symfony1/commit/05c281bc91690963823820032c73790b94b8ee1d. My understanding is that the reason for the changes about serialization of routes was...

I think *true* PSR-compatibility is impossible, since PSR-2 requires PSR-1 which requires PSR-0 or PSR-4, both of which are incompatible with symfony's classloading patterns. If there's a way to make...