Martin-Karl Lefrançois
Martin-Karl Lefrançois
Thanks @KonstantinSeurer, the document had the right value, but the code that was committed did not. I'll be fixing this shortly.
Hi, there is something unusual in your log, the nvml.lib shouldn't show up in the build directory. Maybe you could try re-running CMake. * Clear the out\build directory * cd...
Buffer Reference is in my opinion one of the top feature of GLSL/Vulkan, and this `vk::RawBufferLoad` feature is really great. Unfortunately there is this bug with structures. As an example,...
I do not see this error when compiling on Linux. What version of Vulkan SDK do you have installed?
> vk_mini_samples ser_pathtrace works (EDIT: **no it doesn't**, it only _appears_ to work), but I tried it in this repo and VK_NV_RAY_TRACING_INVOCATION_REORDER_EXTENSION_NAME isn't available. Note that [vk_mini_samples/samples/ser_pathtrace]( has been meanwhile...
I tried it with DXC from the latest SDK, and I get the following error ``` CUSTOMBUILD : fatal error : failed to legalize SPIR-V: Invalid built-in operand: 5391 ```
Thanks for the comments. Regarding the difference in speed, this is a known issue, and I should be able to verify in the next week or so if this will...
Those issues seems to be resolved.
Quick question, do you have Vulkan SDK 1.3.275 installed?