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"real" bulk inserts
I'm looking for a way to bulk insert into one column family with different keys and different col-keys: e.g.: column family "test" "key1" => "col1" => "data1" "key2" => "col1" => "data2" "key3" => "col2" => "data3" ...
bulk_insert() is missing the functionality to set a different key on every mutation, as far as I can see.
I would implement that myself, but which way? a) add a new method, something like "bulk_insert2()"? b) change bulk_insert(), making the new version incompatible to the old one? c) write some kind of glue code inside bulk_insert() to switch behavior (e.g. based on "exists($opts{key})"? d) any other ideas?!
Any ideas or hints for me?
Create a branch, add a new method to it test i yourself. Then test it using old behavior for compatibility. If it works mark it with TBD commentethmment saying this will replace th old method with additional comment saying the old method will be deprecated
Regards Chanan
19 באוג 2014 כותב:
I'm looking for a way to bulk insert into one column family with different keys and different col-keys: e.g.: column family "test" "key1" => "col1" => "data1" "key2" => "col1" => "data2" "key3" => "col2" => "data3" ...
bulk_insert() is missing the functionality to set a different key on every mutation, as far as I can see.
I would implement that myself, but which way? a) add a new method, something like "bulk_insert2()"? b) change bulk_insert(), making the new version incompatible to the old one? c) write some kind of glue code inside bulk_insert() to switch behavior (e.g. based on "exists($opts{key})"? d) any other ideas?!
Any ideas or hints for me?
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