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a Perl client for Apache Cassandra


perlcassa - Perl Client for Apache Cassandra




perlcassa can be installed by doing the usual:

    $ perl Makefile.PL
    $ make
    $ make install


    use perlcassa;

    my $obj = new perlcassa(
        'columnfamily' => 'myCF',
        'keyspace' => 'myKeyspace',
        'seed_nodes' => ['host1.cassandra.local',
        'write_consistency_level' => Cassandra::ConsistencyLevel::QUORUM,
        'read_consistency_level' => Cassandra::ConsistencyLevel::QUORUM,
        'port' => '9160'
    my %composite = ('values' => ['name_pt1', 'name_pt2']);
        'key' => 'myKey',
        'columnname' => \%composite,
        'value' => 'myVal'
        'key' => 'myKey',
        'columnname' => 'myColumn'
        'key' => 'myKey',
        'start' => ['name_pt1'],
        'finish' => ['name_pt2','name_pt2_c'],
        'start_equality' => 'equal', #optional (defaults to equal, options: equal, less_than_equal, or greater_than_equal)
        'finish_equality' => 'greater_than_equal' #optional (defaults to greater_than_equal, options: equal, less_than_equal, or greater_than_equal)
        key_start => '',
        key_finish => '',
        column_start => ['colpt1','a'],
        column_finish => ['thiscol'],
        key_max_count => 10000,
        buffer_size => 100
    my %bulk = (
        #value => [columnname]
        'test' => ['name_pt1', 'name_pt2'],
        'test2' => ['name_pt3', 'name_pr4']
        'key' => 'testkey'
        'columns' => \%bulk

    my $result = $obj->exec(
        "SELECT key, col01 FROM myKeyspace.myCF_CQL3 WHERE key = :key_value",
        {key_value => 'mykey'}
    my $row = $result->fetchone();
    print "Row key, col01: ".$row->{key}.", ".$row->{col01}."\n";


Perl5.10, Thrift::XS, Time::HiRes


perlcassa is a native Perl client for interfacing with Apache Cassandra. It is essentially an API for Apache Thrift. It intelligently deals with CompositeType columns and ValidationClasses and encodes and packs them appropriately for the columnfamily specified. perlcassa deals with connection pooling, automatic retrying of insertions, automatic serialization and deserialization of primitive data types to pass column validation classes and more.

Although other Perl Cassandra clients exist such as Cassandra::Lite and Net::Cassandra they have not been updated for many of the changes in Cassandra releases >0.80. They also do not serialize and deserialize data making them not much more than an abstraction of the base Thrift calls. In my experence the difficulty lies in validation classes and being fault tolerant, not abstracting the Thrift code.

The module name perlcassa follows the naming convention of other Cassandra clients such as phpcassa and pycassa. This module is included on CPAN for convinence however, please see for active development.

Note: This package does not support SuperColumns. Please look into CompositeType Comparators instead.


Documentation is light at this time and will be improved in the next version. For now please refer to the documentation available in POD format or look through the examples in the examples folder.



  • new perlcassa()

    Creates a new Apache Cassandra Perl Client


  • better documentation
  • better handling thrift exceptions to try from another provided Cassandra instance/host automagically
  • general performance optimizations
  • auto retry failures where the node is up when the client is created but there is an exception such as a timeout on insert
  • better CQL3 support


This wouldn't have been possible without help from friend and colleague BJ Black.


Michael Kjellman, [email protected] Colin Blower, [email protected]


Copyright 2013 Michael Kjellman

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.