Michael Kjellman
Michael Kjellman
@swatidhoke yes, now sure how your comment is related to this issue. Why are you cross posting here?
threads are only used in one place where i deal with failure logic, and even then it's only to determine when to place the node back in the pool. I...
believe me, i'm definitely not the first to suggest threads in perl for any high performance situation. and i've had my fair share of bad experiences with threads in perl,...
this came up in IRC as well in a question from rcoli. let's refactor this :) do you have a specific implementation in mind?
well glad the system is working. priority is getting the client ready for 1.2 and CQL3 but this seems like something pretty easy to refactor. my key requirement would be...
wanted to update this thread. I'm almost done implementing the binary protocol. This is all based on anyevent which should allow us to remove the dependency of the downed node...
I can reproduce this pretty consistently with modperl and apache httpd. The binary protocol implementation will take the design decisions into account i believe are causing this. I can't reproduce...
not yet. i'll try to get support for that asap or if you get to it before me, feel free to send a pull request
most likely will need to be added to Client.pm which i'm currently refactoring to be token/node aware..so on second thought let me just include this feature request with that work...
LongType works for us, could you post a sample schema for a CF to test against?