Michael Freeman
Michael Freeman
**Describe the bug** Plot histograms for dates can sometimes have differently sized bins which leads to awkwardly inconsistent "skinny" bars. **To Reproduce** See [this notebook](https://observablehq.com/d/54a9e0b4f9175ee6).
To support different styles, we could create a set of plot themes (e.g., `dark`, `light`, etc.). As a comparison, the `ggthemes` [package](https://mran.microsoft.com/snapshot/2017-02-04/web/packages/ggthemes/vignettes/ggthemes.html) has default styles to emulate popular styles like...
I love [this work](https://www.flickr.com/photos/stringrbelle/49340684123/in/album-72157712318018668/)! In order to recreate it, I had to install a particular version of `ambient`. You might want to include it as a comment (it took a...
The `README.md` file doesn't list the set of [recommended libraries](https://observablehq.com/@observablehq/recommended-libraries) included in the stdlib (but it should!).
I've found that rendering `` elements - specifically those made _using_ plot - can be a powerful visualization technique ([example](https://observablehq.com/d/3e26e7599bde44cd)). This is a first pass at supporting svg rendering through...