- The PDF widget should get an eraser - The canvas for drawing on images should get an eraser
on iOS this is done with UITextField.clearButtonMode. I imagine something like Widgets.onText(...).clearButtonEnabled(true)..
- Open a new shell with Shell result = new Shell(alphaShell, SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL); - This opens a shell that grays out the background that it doesn't cover. - Touch the background...
While it is a convenient default behaviour to have the back button named like the page it will return to, there are some use cases where I want to define...
I want to execute an action inside my unit test. How do I set it up so that getCurrentPageData() does not run into an NPE? I feel there is some...
This is my code: ``` java Shell parentShell = ui.getDisplay().getActiveShell(); final Shell abortion = new Shell(parentShell, SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL); abortion.setAlpha(2); abortion.setLayout(new GridLayout()); abortion.setMaximized(true); Composite touchReceiver = new Composite(abortion, SWT.NONE); touchReceiver.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL,...
Android supports Toasts, a quick message for the user. It would be awesome if Tabris clients would support Toasts natively. At the moment I'm mimicking them with a push...
In our customer project in about 1 out of 15 times I see this error, only on an Android client, with a Tabris 1.4 Snapshot. Reproducible in the ECP Medic...
I create a Text widget. I add a FocusListener to that Text widget. When I tap the Text widget, the keyboard comes up. When I send the keyboard away, Android...
Consider the following use case: I have a choices between {A, B, C} on a ChoicePage When I select A, I have a sub choices between {A.a, A.b} on a...