Michaux Kelley
Michaux Kelley
BTW: thank you for sharing this code. By no means are the issues I've reported a criticism. I just thought you might like to know :)
I'm enjoying using ajax-chosen, so thank you! I had the same problem as johnfrederik. Thanks for the commit johnfrederik!
PR #17 ftw
@chrisueda your solution also made the test `betaUser should default to false` pass for me, but `should have correct fields` is still failing.
Also, I'm using version 1.6 from the AppStore. It was probably running for a little over a day before I noticed the memory usage.
Console.app logs: ``` 7/19/13 5:50:44.238 PM QuickHub[1061]: Incorrect NSStringEncoding value 0x0000 detected. Assuming NSASCIIStringEncoding. Will stop this compatiblity mapping behavior in the near future. 7/20/13 12:32:23.198 PM QuickHub[1061]: Incorrect NSStringEncoding...
I look forward the open-sourced version, and maybe I'll be able to help fix some of the issues. In the meantime, thank you and good luck!
So I updated to `v0.3.26` of `@restart/hooks`, but it still choked on `storybook/[email protected]` so I ran `npm install --legacy-peer-deps` and that seemed to allow it to install just fine. Then...
I ran `brew install spoof-mac`, then I ran `sudo brew services start spoof-mac`, which gave me the following error: Warning: Taking root:admin ownership of some spoof-mac paths: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/spoof-mac/2.1.1_5/libexec/bin /opt/homebrew/Cellar/spoof-mac/2.1.1_5/libexec/bin/spoof-mac /opt/homebrew/opt/spoof-mac...
@DIGIX666 then when I run `brew services start spoof-mac` I get the following, which is helpful, but I'd like spoof-mac to start at startup. Warning: spoof-mac must be run as...