Michael Kelley

Results 51 comments of Michael Kelley

TBD: switch to pytest-astropy v0.10, and we can use `@pytest.mark.slow` and `--run-slow` or `-m slow`.

Interesting, thanks for pointing that out. Our task will be to be sure that it remains there, working with future versions.

@Yeqzids , with v0.3.0 out now and on conda-forge, the dependency issues should be addressed.

@shreyasbapat @Juanlu001 The test needs to be skipped or marked as remote, probably the latter? Append "# doctest: +REMOTE_DATA" to the lines that need remote data. https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/development/testguide.html#working-with-data-files

@shreyasbapat @mommermi I don't think the download should ever happen in the documentation. The files are too large. If there were a way to do a mock download, that would...

If we used SkyCoord, the reference system would be explicitly carried. I hope we can move to that some day. Perhaps the `Ephem` object should have a reference system attribute....

Thanks, @jrob93 . I actually have an active pull request that aims to improve the documentation and this could be a good example. Or maybe for our tutorial repository. (We...

Hi @monocongo , this sounds like a good idea. We have a `to_file` method in `DataClass` (from which `Obs` objects are derived) that passes parameters on to `astropy.table.Table.write`. Perhaps the...

I've marked this as a v0.4 milestone, due by Aug 1, but if that timescale isn't good for you, let me know and I can change this to v0.5 (~1...

Oh, `A` is not a class after being decorated!