Matthew Kaulfers
Matthew Kaulfers
I'd like to see this merged in too.
> Seems like someone [did]( Yes, indeed I did lol. If you need any support with it open an issue.
I'm trying to see if I can come up with something. It was a blocker for me so I ended up pulling the package from my project. In theory you...
Can you explain a bit more what you think it might be? I'll fork and take a gander. I've been trying to implement my own maps and yeh, it's a...
So, looking at this, it would be cool to have a bit of documentation on how to implement it. I tried implementing, and failed miserably. I'm not even sure it...
I'll grab this one
You know, there could be some "Hacky" things that could be done with it. Perhaps wrapping the entry point with some function then sends it back to the debugger if...