Mike Kasberg

Results 10 comments of Mike Kasberg

:wave: Hi, I stumbled onto this thread from https://github.com/jekyll/classifier-reborn/issues/193. A few notes that you might find helpful: - You're not noticing any difference in build times with the `--lsi` option...

+1 to `bundle exec jekyll serve`; see my comment on #5.

The issue is probably that `bundle install` installed the gems to some location other than the system-wide location. Thus, `bundle exec jekyll serve` works because it is using a different...

Let me know what you think about this - happy to consider other options if you're not a fan of this solution!

I ran into this issue today. After some testing, I believe this is resolved by #210. So, you can fix it by referring to the most recent commit (or just...

The warning you're seeing is caused by running an amd64 Docker image on an M1 mac (or other ARM device) and is unrelated to your permission denied errors. You can...

While perhaps surprising, this is [documented behavior of YAML](https://yaml.org/type/bool.html). `no` is treated as boolean false by YAML. As you've already found, quotes are the correct way to represent the string...

This is not a bug in Jekyll. Looking at [your logs](https://github.com/cryptrz/cryptrz.github.io/actions/runs/8459656881/job/23176393627#step:3:43), the reason for the failure is this: ``` nokogiri-1.16.3-x86_64-linux requires ruby version < 3.4.dev, >= 3.0, which is incompatible...

Since this Dockerfile is intended for local development, I wonder if we should consider using a [VS Code Dev Container ](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/containers) instead of a plain Dockerfile. Would you be open...

Hm, looks like Redis tests are failing in Ruby 3.x... I wouldn't expect this change to affect that... Perhaps I'll see if I can find some time to investigate more...