Any plans to provide a report view with DNS names?
Does this support multiple .nessus files and merge into one output?
Global Admin There is no Azure subscriptions, but looking to pull down Azure data. Command: scout azure --user-account-browser --tenant xxxxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxxx --all-subscriptions Logged into via browser successfully Output after authenticating through...
I am mapping a large environment and the token expires. The MaxSessionDuration on the role is 12h, where most default tools are set to 1H. Is there a switch/flag to...
Ran Get-ActiveDirectoryInfo received data back, but ran into Visio error stating "You are trying to save a file type (Visio 2000-2002 Binary Drawings), Templates and Stencils, which has been blocked...
Manifest.mbdb not found in path on iPhone 6/6s when opening iPhone backup. Does this tool still support the new sqlite format of iOS backups?
OS: Latest Kali finds ports open with debugmax option, shows successful connection, lists numbers of computers and errors out with: TypeError: '