Results 104 issues of M.K.

Thanks for this great writeup! However. the link at > The ESP8266 as a microcontroller - Software > Digital I/O > (*) NodeMCU uses a different pin mapping, read more...

Hi Tim, hi community, which kind of git interface would you prefer for making podcast subscription just another part of your cron-ical git sync?

Hi! I'll start with a concrete example scenario as motivation, but the feature request will be more general. I was trying to support $recipient (an uberspace user) who in turn...

Hi! For far too long a time I thought the game was just broken, because I travelled far and wide, unable to find dry shrubs, or find any method for...

It took me about half an hour to find out the reason for Travis's parsing failure was my header line declaring YAML 1.2.

This mod sounds really nice! Soon I'll have multiple of its JARs in my mod collection directory. Then I'll need the MC versions in the filenames, like `Zoomify-v2.10.0-mc1.20.0.jar`. It would...

I traced the strange behavior of `resolve-package` to a problem in this package: My node code: ```javascript console.log(require.resolve("lodash")); require("get-installed-path").getInstalledPath("lodash").then(null, console.log); ``` Output: ```text /mnt/…/nodejs/modules/lodash/lodash.js Error: get-installed-path: module not found "lodash"...


I often encounter websites with broken form submission so I have to fill in the same form over and over. I'd prefer to do that once, then before submit, copy...

Since the docs say `exchange.publish` returns a promise, I thought I could rely on that to determine when it's ok to close the connection. Looks like it's not, at least...

Just discovered the JSON auto-parsing feature in `src/`. There should be an opt-out so people can process messages whose contentType is lying.