Michael Rode
Michael Rode
- [ ] Look through code for ways to make things more consistent. - [ ] A better way to name/organize importData.js - [x ] Should we continue to use...
- [ ] Make sure all tests are properly named https://github.com/i0natan/nodebestpractices/blob/master/sections/testingandquality/3-parts-in-name.md
- [ ] Look at each request made by the frontend to the API - [ ] Create test coverage to mimic that feature
Using endpoint `/channels/recentlyViewed` have an option to display recommended shows based on 3-5 most recently watched.
- [ ] Use circle CI [How to setup circle CI](https://github.com/i0natan/nodebestpractices/blob/master/sections/testingandquality/citools.md) - [ ] Add code quality tool. [How to setup SonarJS](https://github.com/SonarSource/SonarJS/blob/master/docs/DOC.md#get-started)
- [ ] Return error to API for invalid requests - [ ] Test that error is handled correctly [How to test errors](https://github.com/i0natan/nodebestpractices/blob/master/sections/errorhandling/testingerrorflows.md) [How to set up centralized error handling](https://github.com/i0natan/nodebestpractices/blob/master/sections/errorhandling/centralizedhandling.md)