Matt Post

Results 263 comments of Matt Post

Building now, but currently getting some duplicate volumes (e.g., [IJCLCP](

@mbollmann @akoehn I'd be interested in your feedback here, if you have time/interest (anyone else, too). I'm halfway through splitting out the venues and distinguishing joint (shared) volumes from colocated...

I’ve got to update this and then merge. There’s a bit more to do to restore events, which explains the delay. This sanity check is helpful, thank you!

@mbollmann @akoehn if you have a minute to look at this comment (not necessarily the code), I'd be grateful. I've been working through this issue here, trying to separate venue...

(I should add, I am hoping to wrap this up soon, like within the next week. It keeps getting delayed and then complicated because of new ingestions).

I updated the comment above a bit. I see that we are going to have to distinguish joint from colocated events. I think we would do this with a ``...

@akoehn The main venue is the one we would have assigned if it were a new-style ID. So for example, has `main-venue=acl` and `joint-venue=ijcnlp`. But since the event is...

Yes, it's hard to swap it back in. I have finished adding `` tags to all events. This links every volume to its venue. The tag is mandatory in every...

All right, @mbollmann and @akoehn, this has been a lot of churn, and I realize you two are maybe not in the thick of it. At the same time I'm...

Oh, thanks, I missed these. Should all be addressed, assuming I didn't break anything. FTR: the venue data structures are now all keyed by slug instead of acronym. So it's...