Mark Jordan
Mark Jordan
I gave you the wrong commit hash. Try `b6b8f0a280509cdae4ff11324c99ef14ffad8781`, that puts the old filegetter back.
When I check that commit out, `vendor` is still there. Did you try running `composer update` after you checked out b6b8f0a280509cdae4ff11324c99ef14ffad8781?
Do you still get that error after running `composer dump-autoload`?
What do you see if you run `ls vendor/nategood/commando/src/Commando/` from within the mik directory?
It's awesome you're using OAI toolchains! I'd *love* to know more.
@flummingbird WRT you comments about testing, I'll update the docs in response. Thanks for the feedback.
Also, we'd prefer if you open an issue describing the problem you've found before opening a PR. No sweat for this PR though, this is a good catch, thanks for...
Sorry, 'with regard to.'
@flummingbird @jpeak5 looking at this a bit more closely, I wonder if we should define a list of potentially problematic characters to replace with _. For example, `:` and DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR....
@jpeak5 Thanks for testing. The cross-platform issue we encountered with `preg_replace()` was that by using `DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR` within patterns, on Windows this converted to `\`, which then acted as an escape...