mik copied to clipboard
Toolchain: CONTENTdm compound PDFs
On this page:
I read for compound PDFs, CdmPhpDocuments
class should be used. However, when I run mik
billg@lib10:/data/projects/arca$ ./mik/mik -c ./collections/AUebooks/config.ini
Commencing MIK.
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'mik\filegetters\CdmPhpDocuments' not found in /data/projects/arca/mik/mik:170
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
thrown in /data/projects/arca/mik/mik on line 170
Then, I went to mik/src/filegetters
and mik/src/writers
. I found a class named CdmPdfDocuments
. So I thought maybe there are typos on the document, and changed the class name to CdmPdfDocuments
. However, it still does not work. The output gives corrupted PDFs.
This is the collection: http://digicon.athabascau.ca/cdm/landingpage/collection/AUebooks
The following is my configuration ini file:
; Trying out the compound thing
config_id = AUebooks
last_updated_on = "2018-10-11"
last_update_by = "hx"
class = Cdm
; The alias of the CONTENTdm collection.
alias = AUebooks
ws_url = "http://deck.cs.athabascau.ca/dmwebservices/index.php?q="
; 'record_key' should always be 'pointer' for CONTENTdm fetchers.
record_key = pointer
temp_directory = "/data/projects/arca/tmp"
class = mods\CdmToMods
alias = AUebooks
ws_url = "http://deck.cs.athabascau.ca/dmwebservices/index.php?q="
; Path to the csv file that contains the CONTENTdm to MODS mappings.
mapping_csv_path = '/data/projects/arca/collections/AUebooks/mapping.csv'
; Include the migrated from uri into your generated metadata (e.g., MODS)
include_migrated_from_uri = "http://digicon.athabascau.ca/cdm/ref/collection/"
repeatable_wrapper_elements[] = extension
repeatable_wrapper_elements[] = name
repeatable_wrapper_elements[] = subject
repeatable_wrapper_elements[] = identifier
repeatable_wrapper_elements[] = titleInfo
repeatable_wrapper_elements[] = title
repeatable_wrapper_elements[] = relatedItem
use_nicknames = true
class = CdmPdfDocuments
alias = AUebooks
input_directories[] =
ws_url = "http://deck.cs.athabascau.ca/dmwebservices/index.php?q="
utils_url = "http://deck.cs.athabascau.ca/utils/"
temp_directory = "/data/projects/arca/tmp"
class = CdmPdfDocuments
alias = AUebooks
output_directory = "/data/projects/arca/collections/AUebooks/output"
metadata_filename =
postwritehooks[] = "php extras/scripts/postwritehooks/move_packages_by_extension.php"
postwritehooks[] = "php extras/scripts/postwritehooks/validate_mods.php"
postwritehooks[] = "php extras/scripts/postwritehooks/object_timer.php"
postwritehooks[] = "php extras/scripts/shutdownhooks/delete_temp_files.php"
; Note: During testing we only generate MODS datastreams. In production, comment this line out.
; datastreams[] = MODS
; filegettermanipulators[] = "CdmSingleFile|pdf"
; filegettermanipulators[] = "CdmCompound|Document-PDF"
fetchermanipulators[] = "CdmCompound|Document-PDF"
;metadatamanipulators[] = "FilterModsTopic|subject"
;metadatamanipulators[] = "AddContentdmData"
;metadatamanipulators[] = "AddUuidToMods"
;metadatamanipulators[] = "InsertXmlFromTemplate|null0|/Users/brandon/sfuvault/mik/manipulations/athabasca_manipulations/origininfo.xml"
;metadatamanipulators[] = "InsertXmlFromTemplate|null1|/Users/brandon/sfuvault/mik/manipulations/athabasca_manipulations/physicalDescription.xml"
path_to_log = "/data/projects/arca/tmp/mik.log"
path_to_manipulator_log = "/data/projects/arca/tmp/manipulator.log"
Thanks for submitting the issue, @xing93111.
Further detail: If MIK is run instead with the class CdmCompound, compound objects are generated with the directory structure of a Book, except each page is a PDF (instead of a TIFF). These PDFs are OK (not corrupt).
As far as we understand, the CdmPdfDocuments class is supposed to merge these page-level PDFs into a single aggregated PDF. The result is a corrupted PDF.
Is there anything wrong with the configuration? Or is there a flaw in the toolchain?
I can't see anything wrong with the configuration. This particular toolchain relies on CONTENTdm's internal functionality to merge the PDF pages into a single document. It used to work fine - for example the PDFs in https://ecuad.arcabc.ca/islandora/object/ecuad%3Acals were generated using it, with this .ini file: https://github.com/MarcusBarnes/mik/blob/master/extras/samples/calendars_config.ini That said, the filegetter was has probably not been tested since the major code cleanup that happened after SFU used the toolchain.
The code that fetches the assembled PDF content is here. I suggest dumping the value of the URL generated here and then running it using curl
to see whether the PDF if produces is corrupted.
The configuration file here uses CdmPhpDocuments
, but I don't see such class is included in mik toolkit source code. Where can I find the file?
@xing93111, sorry, that config file was an early one and predates #223. The configuration should use CdmPdfDocuments
in lines 22 and 29.
... and I've just updated https://github.com/MarcusBarnes/mik/wiki/Toolchain:-CONTENTdm-compound-PDFs. Very sorry about that.
I used a text editor to open the generated PDF file and found it is not a PDF at all but an XML file. For example, the following is the content of the generated PDF file related to this object: http://digicon.athabascau.ca/cdm/ref/collection/auarchives/id/499
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<pagetitle>Page 1</pagetitle>
<pagetitle>Page 2</pagetitle>
<pagetitle>Page 3</pagetitle>
<pagetitle>Page 4</pagetitle>
<pagetitle>Page 5</pagetitle>
<pagetitle>Page 6</pagetitle>
<pagetitle>Page 7</pagetitle>
<pagetitle>Page 8</pagetitle>
<pagetitle>Page 9</pagetitle>
<pagetitle>Page 10</pagetitle>
<pagetitle>Page 11</pagetitle>
<pagetitle>Page 12</pagetitle>
<pagetitle>Page 13</pagetitle>
<pagetitle>Page 14</pagetitle>
<pagetitle>Page 15</pagetitle>
We need to establish that CONTENTdm still supports the ability to join PDF pages into a single multipage PDF file (it may have changed since this code was written). To do that we need to create a request URL using the code below (from here):
$get_file_url = $this->utilsUrl .'getdownloaditem/collection/'
. $this->alias . '/id/' . $pointer . '/type/compoundobject/show/1/cpdtype/document-pdf/filename/'
. $document_structure['page'][0]['pagefile'] . '/width/0/height/0/mapsto/pdf/filesize/0/title/'
. urlencode($document_structure['page'][0]['pagetitle']);
and see if we get a PDF from the server. So that would look like:
If you use curl
to get that URL, what does the resulting file look like?
If you don't mind sharing your CONTENTdm API URL with me I can take a look.
@bondjimbond has the URL but it requires a VPN connection. URL: http://deck.cs.athabascau.ca/dmwebservices/index.php?q=
@mjordan Here is the output:
billg@lib10:~$ curl http://digicon.athabascau.ca/getdownloaditem/collection/auarchives/id/499/type/compoundobject/show/1/cpdtype/document-pdf/filename/485.pdf/width/0/height/0/mapsto/pdf/filesize/0/title/Page%201
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You need the 'utils' subdirectory. Try:
curl http://digicon.athabascau.ca/utils/getdownloaditem/collection/auarchives/id/499/type/compoundobject/show/1/cpdtype/document-pdf/filename/485.pdf/width/0/height/0/mapsto/pdf/filesize/0/title/Page%201
This is the response:
billg@lib10:~$ curl http://digicon.athabascau.ca/utils/getdownloaditem/collection/auarchives/id/499/type/compoundobject/show/1/cpdtype/document-pdf/filename/485.pdf/width/0/height/0/mapsto/pdf/filesize/0/title/Page%201
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<pagetitle>Page 1</pagetitle>
<pagetitle>Page 2</pagetitle>
<pagetitle>Page 3</pagetitle>
<pagetitle>Page 4</pagetitle>
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<pagetitle>Page 15</pagetitle>
At http://digicon.athabascau.ca/cdm/ref/collection/auarchives/id/499, if I wanted to download the entire document as a single PDF, how would I do that? I don't see a link that will allow me to do that. Is there an admin option that turns off that feature, and if so, do you have it turned off?
I don't see a button allowing to download the entire compound object as a single PDF file and I don't find an option at the backend to turn it on/off. However, for this object: http://digicon.athabascau.ca/cdm/ref/collection/auriver/id/454, it has a download link. But I think it is a single object rather than a compound one.
Correct, that is a single-file object, not a compound.
I think the manipulator has some problems. If I configure it like:
fetchermanipulators[] = "CdmCompound|Document-PDF"
It does not work because the output of the MIK is:
Commencing MIK.
Filtering 2 records through the CdmCompound fetcher manipulator.
==========================================================================================> 100%
Creating 0 Islandora ingest packages. Please be patient.
It just filtered out the two records in the collection. Then, I changed the manipulator like this:
fetchermanipulators[] = "CdmCompound|Document"
because I found the object types are
It does work but again I get corrupted PDF files because they are indeed XML files.
So I am thinking the manipulators section on this page:https://github.com/MarcusBarnes/mik/wiki/Toolchain:-CONTENTdm-compound-PDFs should not be restricted to
fetchermanipulators[] = "CdmCompound|Document-PDF"
@xing93111 can you test compound PDF documents with MIK as it stood prior to #223 and the work that brought MIK in line with coding standards? Try commit 9c6b8c537f477fd82f20f3c6ba2563fcd30bd7f5. The compound PDF toolchain code at that commit is essentially how it stood when SFU migrated its compound PDFs (as far as the compound PDF document code anyway). You will need to adjust your .ini file to use CdmPhpDocuments
and not 'CdmPdfDocuments` (which is what #223 fixed).
If this works for you, then there is a problem with the current MIK code that we need to fix; if it doesn't, then we need to confirm that your CONTENTdm can produce a single multiplage PDF from single-page PDFs (which we have not done yet) and go from there.
@MarcusBarnes does this seem like a reasonable way of narrowing down the problem?
Does anyone know of another CONTENTdm instance that we can test against?
@mjordan I don't see the class named CdmPhpDocuments on this page: https://github.com/MarcusBarnes/mik/tree/9c6b8c537f477fd82f20f3c6ba2563fcd30bd7f5/src/filegetters. I suppose this is the commit you would like me to pull out the code. If no such class, the command line will definitely fail
@xing93111 You're looking at the current code rather than the code from the earlier commit. In your MIK directory:
git checkout -b CdmPhpDocuments
Then you'll need to git reset --hard 9c6b8c5
This will take you to the earlier commit... Look in src/filegetters to see what the filename is.
I still don't see the class. Here are my commands:
billg@lib10:/data4/test$ git clone https://github.com/MarcusBarnes/mik.git
Cloning into 'mik'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 18, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (18/18), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (14/14), done.
remote: Total 5254 (delta 6), reused 10 (delta 4), pack-reused 5236
Receiving objects: 100% (5254/5254), 1.47 MiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (3468/3468), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
billg@lib10:/data4/test$ ls
billg@lib10:/data4/test$ cd mik
billg@lib10:/data4/test/mik$ ls
composer.json CONTRIBUTING.md LICENSE phpunit.xml.dist src
composer.lock extras mik README.md tests
billg@lib10:/data4/test/mik$ git checkout -b CdmPhpDocuments
Switched to a new branch 'CdmPhpDocuments'
billg@lib10:/data4/test/mik$ git reset --hard 9c6b8c5
HEAD is now at 9c6b8c5 Work on #397.
billg@lib10:/data4/test/mik$ ls
composer.json composer.lock CONTRIBUTING.md extras LICENSE mik README.md src tests
billg@lib10:/data4/test/mik$ cd src
billg@lib10:/data4/test/mik/src$ ls
config fetchers filemanipulators metadataparsers
exceptions filegettermanipulators inputvalidators utilities
fetchermanipulators filegetters metadatamanipulators writers
billg@lib10:/data4/test/mik/src$ cd filegetters
billg@lib10:/data4/test/mik/src/filegetters$ ls
CdmBooks.php CdmPdfDocuments.php CsvCompound.php FileGetter.php OaipmhXpath.php
CdmCompound.php CdmSingleFile.php CsvNewspapers.php OaipmhIslandoraObj.php
CdmNewspapers.php CsvBooks.php CsvSingleFile.php OaipmhOjsPdf.php
Anything wrong?
I gave you the wrong commit hash. Try b6b8f0a280509cdae4ff11324c99ef14ffad8781
, that puts the old filegetter back.
@mjordan It seems vendor
folder missed in this version of the code. Here is the output:
billg@lib10:/data4/projects/arca$ ./mik/mik -c ./collections/AUebooks/config.ini
PHP Warning: require(vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data4/projects/arca/mik/mik on line 10
PHP Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required 'vendor/autoload.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /data4/projects/arca/mik/mik on line 10
billg@lib10:/data4/projects/arca$ cd mik
billg@lib10:/data4/projects/arca/mik$ ls
composer.lock extras mik README.md tests
When I check that commit out, vendor
is still there. Did you try running composer update
after you checked out b6b8f0a280509cdae4ff11324c99ef14ffad8781?
Also good to run composer dump-autoload
so that any new classes available via autoloading (after having run composer update to generate the vendor folder with any dependencies, etc.).
@MarcusBarnes got the vendor
folder, but now:
billg@lib10:/data4/projects/arca$ ./mik/mik -c ./collections/AUebooks/config.ini
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Commando\Command' not found in /data4/projects/arca/mik/mik:20
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
thrown in /data4/projects/arca/mik/mik on line 20
Do you still get that error after running composer dump-autoload
After running composer dump-autoload
, I have the vendor
folder, but was caught by the above error Commando\Command
not found.
What do you see if you run ls vendor/nategood/commando/src/Commando/
from within the mik directory?
@xing93111 Following up on @mjordan comment, double check if it's in your composer.json file (it might have been added after the commit that we're working from). If it's not there, over-write your exiting composer.json file with a copy of the latest composer.json file and then run composer install
, the composer dump-autoload
The command line works now @MarcusBarnes. However, it still outputs corrupted PDFs as I mentioned above: https://github.com/MarcusBarnes/mik/issues/492#issuecomment-431150182