Michael O'Brien

Results 9 issues of Michael O'Brien

In my \__init\__.py , I have two subpackages that I'm trying to lazy load. lazy1 = lazy_import.lazy_module("mypkg.sub1") lazy2 = lazy_import.lazy_module("mypkg.sub2") In an IDE when I go to load something from...

When I activate, the active environment is not changed from "None". Here is my conda info: active environment : None user config file : C:\Users\micha\.condarc populated config files : C:\Users\micha\.condarc...

Hello, I have been reading through and trying to understand the abstract/final design pattern that equinox recommends: https://docs.kidger.site/equinox/pattern/. There is one part I am wondering if you could provide further...


The following is not allowed in the abstract/final pattern ```python import abc import equinox as eqx some_function = lambda arg1: ... class AbstractModule(eqx.Module, strict=True): @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(arg1, arg2): raise NotImplementedError...


Hello! I have a question. I am using equinox for a project here: https://github.com/mjo22/cryojax. My Modules are very nested, and in general I am interested in using grad and vmap...


Hello! I had a question about how Modules work under jit with the functools.cached_property decorator. I recently came across this decorator and thought it was pretty nifty. I have several...


Hello! I would like to make a feature request for converting and instantiating `SO3` objects to and from different euler angle conventions. This proposal could replace `SO3.from_rpy_radians` with `SO3.from_euler_radians`, and...

Hello! Me again. Again, this is a great library and thank you for responding to pull requests so promptly. I was wondering though its plans for long-term support, as I’m...

Hello! Let’s say I have something like the following ```python def PowerLaw(eqx.Module): amplitude: Array power: Array def __call__(self, x: Array): return amplitude * x**power ``` Now, let’s say I want...
