Mike Mostachetti

Results 3 issues of Mike Mostachetti

Hey, I'm running on React Native 0.69.0. Device: Pixel 3 Does this package work for Android 12? I've tried adding all the correct permissions for Android 12 and it seems...

### Description of Change ### I removed this code that disabled the native collectionview from adjusting correctly. `CollectionView.ContentInsetAdjustmentBehavior = UIScrollViewContentInsetAdjustmentBehavior.Never;` There was a comment that was above the line I...

t/bug :bug:
DO-NOT-MERGE-!!! :stop_sign:
p/iOS 🍎
m/high impact :black_large_square:

### Describe the bug I can send messages via the Pinpoint SMS without a problem if there is no https:// url in the text message. It even works just fine...
