Please advise if wrapping thundersvm using the caret function is feasible similar to this example: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29449639/svm-in-r-with-caret-using-e1071-instead-of-kernlab If examples can be provided that would be much appreciated. This would greatly simplify...
I get the following errors when building Microsoft Visual Studio Solution ``` Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error MSB6006 "cmd.exe" exited with code 1. thundersvm C:\Program Files...
I would like to followup on the status of support for QR-decompsition, SVD, Cholesky solvers for NON-SQUARE Matrices as this issue in ViennaCL is still open as of this time:...
I would prefer to use caret as the primary interface for modelling. As Rgtsvm is declared to be compatible with e1071 package, what is the supported way for caret to...