Michael Shen
Michael Shen
I'm happy to work on this if there's a need! Looking at https://github.com/spiffe/spire/blob/main/pkg/agent/attestor/node/node.go#L118, since the log is printing `NotAfter`, it ends up in UTC since NotBefore/NotAfter are set to UTC...
I would like to work on this, /assign
Hi @camilamacedo86! Sorry, yes I started - then got sidetracked - will pick this up again
No worries! If you are referring to this: https://github.com/mjlshen/terraform-aws-opa/blob/main/policy/aws_common.rego#L94 Sometimes organizations mandate that developers need to use internal Terraform modules (or `data`), but aren't allowed to use vanilla `resource`s as...
I'm interested! /assign mjlshen
Thanks for bring that up, after some reading, I agree. Is it worth providing or documenting a NetworkPolicy with information similar to the above or do we think that we...
We can also consider using this feature from controller-runtime 0.16.0 https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/controller-runtime/pull/2407 which I think perfectly fits our use-case of locking down the metrics endpoint with K8s RBAC without kube-rbac-proxy
I do prefer this approach and will start work in this direction: > We can also consider using this feature from controller-runtime 0.16.0 https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/controller-runtime/pull/2407 which I think perfectly fits our...
/remove-lifecycle stale