Michael House

Results 9 comments of Michael House

Thanks, I'll go look at the CallbackInfo and find a logical place to add the LayoutResult to it. Edit: a logical place in the code to snag the LayoutResult, I...

I moved the LayoutResult to UiState so that it gets passed to callbacks in CallbackInfo. Since the render happens after the callbacks, I had to put it on some existing...

@Rahix, what's the status on this? I've written a little lcd 16x2 library and I'd like to publish it, but it relies on avr-hal which isn't on crates.io. EDIT: nevermind-...

@joshuajbouw No worries. I've been trying different things to see if I can find a workaround, but haven't yet. I'm still not completely convinced that this is a bevy_tilemap issue....

Yeah, I'll mess with it. Thanks man.

@joshuajbouw Tried messing with the ceil/floor lines and didn't get anywhere. If you subtract 1.0 from `sprite_rect.end.x`, though, the edge issues go away. I'm still not sure why and I...

@joshuajbouw Sorry for the late reply, I didn't see the notification. I'm not sure about the logic. Nothing I saw seemed to account for the despawn, but at this point...

Would auto spawn despawn chunks on transformation? Is that expected behavior?

Oh ok, that's good to know. I've only been working with single chunks for now, but I'm going to get into much larger maps later.