I've been thinking along similar lines, particularly that it would be good to see the most recently clicked airport in the map app. as a selectable button in the airport...
I think this is within my area of understanding. I will submit a PR in due course.
For the purposes of test and review, a pre-compiled database can be downloaded from https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/kmi8lgtjymq2otg7e24pv/avitab_navdb.sqlite.zip?rlkey=2p6fq338o6nbg5osxw0ou0cfu&dl=0. To enable the new SQL NAV feature the unzipped database file (avitab_navdb.sqlite) should be put...
I have added code to work around this in the implementation of the Chartfox v2 API. I've also contacted Chartfox to discuss the issue.
Yes, I am almost finished updating the Chartfox integration to use Chartfox's v2 API. I will submit a PR shortly, and comment here when it is ready.
I was wondering if this issue should remain open until a proper fix can be put in place by updating to the (next?) version of nlohmann/json? The masking of deprecation...
Following on from the temporary fix I submitted for the initial build issue, I have used cmake to generate an Xcode project, and this has highlighted some additional source code...
This isn't currently possible, but we are just starting to prototype a similar concept with the aim of supporting Avitab as an in-game panel in MSFS. We will keep this...