Michal Jamroz

Results 6 comments of Michal Jamroz

@mxnet-bot run ci miscellaneous, unix-gpu, unix-cpu, website

Is there any chance to implement torch `aten::scaled_dot_product_attention`? https://pytorch.org/docs/master/generated/torch.nn.functional.scaled_dot_product_attention.html says it could be done as ``` # Efficient implementation equivalent to the following: scale_factor = 1 / math.sqrt(Q.size(-1)) if scale...

check if your dataset contains png files and delete them. it helped in my case.

@rmallah Hi, thanks for your answer. Im calling `ImagePicker.takePhoto()` to get that error. ImagePicker.pickImage() is working correctly.

I tried it. ## I tested directly of quickandroid $ qpm install [email protected] opened quickandroidexample.pro in qtcreator selected Android_for_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_9_0_for_Android_armv7-Debug to compile set API 25 in androidmanifest.xml i had to replace...

I would say it will be painful to replace that since qt/qml uses file://. Maybe rather solution from https://stackoverflow.com/a/42437379 ?