Hi all, --- **EDIT:** Actually, this was easier than I thought. Here's the implementation for optional custom formats https://github.com/rstudio/blogdown/commit/a44ff2bd0bac506b7aa78faf6cdfa64929642234 --- I have a very closely related issue so don't wnat...
@yihui [Here's one](https://github.com/mivalek/hugo_theme_teachR) I just made and [here's the deployed site](https://hugo-teachr.netlify.app/) with [slides](https://hugo-teachr.netlify.app/lectures/01/slides/#1) and [distill-like docs](https://hugo-teachr.netlify.app/lectures/01/handout) . It's a pared down version of a website I am using for my...
Thanks for this @yihui, that's great! I completely get the reason why you decided to force output format. That's why I think that my implementation works as the `renders:` argument...
I understand your motivation to keep `config.yaml` free of blogdown options. Ultimately, any approach that allows me to (easily) set up something akin to what I have and make it...
Would `options(blogdown.formats = list(slides = ..., default = ..., another_type = ..., ...))` be possible so that a defualt format gets applied to any documents that don't have a `type:`...
Hi @yihui, I'm wondering whether you've abandoned this issue or if it is still being worked on?