Michal 'Kimi' Mitter
Michal 'Kimi' Mitter
@Aranud https://youtu.be/fd0KRnL01Vo
@npapo upload the demo It looks like the version of the legacy you were playing with doesn't match the one where you replay the demo Also might be good idea...
what if IN_IsConsoleKey would check SDL_Scancode instead of keyNum_t ? ```patch Index: src/sdl/sdl_input.c IDEA additional info: Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP UTF-8 =================================================================== diff --git a/src/sdl/sdl_input.c b/src/sdl/sdl_input.c --- a/src/sdl/sdl_input.c (revision ace50f1b7087903b04d7150970c6ee8dd08a07e8) +++ b/src/sdl/sdl_input.c...
I didn't bother with changing `c->u.key = Key_StringToKeynum(token);` to parse scancode instead.
that comment was made almost decade ago: https://github.com/ioquake/ioq3/commit/42586b782bed084844c0f20747018a9f9757c665#diff-93812b3584abe03e2fca62517d6e5c2db4b4112e2761b6a5ec6d2b9ad3a84505R96 maybe the SDL_Scancode situation has improved since then :D
I think some spectators would not want to share who they are spectating
its something else because when you use this command you get invul. shield and can't move for a while just like with regular revive
I guess `revive` is cheat command meant for development mode, so probably not worth bothering with. Perhaps there might be some other cases where same thing can happen.