Mitsuharu Emoto

Results 4 issues of Mitsuharu Emoto

## Expected Behavior React Native 0.69 autolink works with react-native-sqlite-storage. ## Current Behavior React Native 0.69 autolink does not work, since it changes react-native cli, ## Possible Solution It...

fix #522 I remove deprecated params from 'react-native.config.js' for React Native 0.69. Since audolinking automatically assumes that the podspec file is in the root of the package directory, it is...

fix #131 I fixed index.d.ts for TypeScript. At project using TypeScript, types are correctly inferred as shown in following VS Code screenshot. |before|after| | --- | --- | | ![ts-ng](|...

Hi! 👋 Firstly, thanks for your work on this project! 🙂 Today I used [patch-package]( to patch `@baronha/[email protected]` for the project I'm working on. I notice that openPicker type is...