
Results 294 comments of mitchmindtree

Yeah I'd considered using `Line`, but I thought it might be really inefficient for super detailed plots like waveforms? Maybe it's not though, I haven't even tried yet! Guess I'll...

@jaroslaw-weber I don't believe there are any tools for text alignment or wrapping in the `graphics` crate itself, however [conrod]( does provide this (and provides a backend for drawing to...

Another idea is to try and link to other types/methods/traits/etc when you reference them within comments, i.e. you can link to another type in the same module like this ```...

``` 13:09 < mindtree> vikaton: what project/crate/example did you get this issue in? 13:10 < vikaton> mindtree: Im copying the example on the readme of piston 13:10 < vikaton> the...

Thanks for taking the time to address this @tangmi! I've been updating `conrod` and `nannou` to winit 0.21 and adapting to the new event lifetimes and lack of `Clone` has...

> My understanding is that Clone was removed to disallow users from having a way of modifying the ScaleFactorChanged event after the event occurs Users can still do that with...

Sounds good, go for it! Hit us up if you're unsure about anything :+1:

I'm more than happy to see the examples go with a more "rustic" style and take advantage of the tools/language features that rust has to offer. The original examples are...

Thanks for this, it looks like the crux of the issue is here: ``` RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo run --release --example draw_arrow Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.36s Running `target\release\examples\draw_arrow.exe` thread 'main'...