icons copied to clipboard
R package to easily insert web icons to RMarkdown
the command "download_google_material()" does not work error is > "Error in utils::unzip(dl_file, exdir = dl_dir) : > cannot open file 'C:/Users/yangd/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpG8ix86/icon_dlaa107b92186/material-design-icons-master/android/device/signal_cellular_connected_no_internet_0_bar/materialiconsoutlined/black/res/drawable-hdpi/outline_signal_cellular_connected_no_internet_0_bar_black_18.png': No such file or directory"_ I find this file...
Before release it would be great to check that icons work in non-standard locations including: * tables (kable, gt, DT, etc.) * navbars (bookdown, pkgdown) * slide decks @apreshill has...
Hi, I like the functionality of `icons::icon_find('home')`, but considering that there are small differences between this package and, for example, fontawesome, I think it would be cool to have a...
Hello! Thank you for making these cute icons easily available to us! I recently got a new computer, and was running some old scripts that use the icons pkg. I...
Just upgraded to R 4.1.2, and discovered that I can no longer use the `icon` package in my Rmd files. Nor can I install it because somehow `remotes::install_github("ropenscilabs/icon")` vectors to...
Hi, thank you for this package! I'm not sure how other people use this package, but for me, it is quite painful to search the name of the icon on...
Related: https://community.rstudio.com/t/use-of-open-source-icons-in-shiny/110056/5
Shiny apps and other services require the icons cached. As the downloading process may take substantial time, this downloading should only happen once per server. Some tools for easily deploying...
See e.g. https://fontawesome.com/license The function I have in mind would look for all `icon` calls in the RMarkdown and output text corresponding to licence of the sources. Then if I...