
Results 9 comments of MishkaOwner

``` fun ObservableField.toObservable(): Observable = Observable.create { e -> val initialValue = [email protected]() if (initialValue != null) { e.onNext(initialValue) } val callback = object : OnPropertyChangedCallback() { override fun onPropertyChanged(observable:...

What... I didn't know that...

Thank you for providing a simple solution!

@mr746866 Get rid of dirty observables away... Use callbacks. Let your presentation layer be object-oriented not procedural. All you need is just a small change in your precious ChatItemModel which...

@dancoyle21 What do you mean by > What it should be is Presentation Layer IMPLEMENTS or DEPENDS on the OUTPUT boundary interfaces while the Database Layer IMPLEMENTS or DEPENDS on...

Finally, someone with understanding of the clean architecture.

@apurcaroiu Uncle Bob clearly stated in [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_TH-Y78tt4) video, that you DONT want to inject anything into the Interactors (UseCase) period. Thank you.

@alexwhb obviously that makes no sense. First of all, the repository pattern used in this project is quite different than what the uncle bob introduced in his work. He used...