I've also lost the use of Header Editor (**all my rules are gone!**) on FF 66.0.5. Please fix!
How? I can't see or find my rules anymore!
I opened my empty rule list, opened the F12 console and reloaded the "page". Nothing in the Console. 
No, all three leaf nodes are empty.
Ok, thank you for your time!
Jag fick "Uppläst text" för alla avsnitt av Sanningens Pris (https://www.svtplay.se/sanningens-pris).
Attached logging decorators I created for this myself. Enable with client.getObjectMapper().getJsonFactory().setOutput-/-Input Decorator. [LoggingDecorators.zip](https://github.com/briandilley/jsonrpc4j/files/56892/LoggingDecorators.zip)