Mir Sakhawat Hossain

Results 7 comments of Mir Sakhawat Hossain

Can anyone help me to resolve my issue please? @stefano-meschiari

Everest pipeline runs good in Linux but when I try it to my Windows laptop it shows this problem. Could you please help me @rodluger and @ericagol? [Everest.zip](https://github.com/rodluger/everest/files/2501331/Everest.zip)

> It shows when run in Windows Machine. Can anyone please help me? @ericagol @rodluger `import everest` `================= RESTART: C:/Users/User/Desktop/everesr.py ================= Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/User/Desktop/everesr.py", line 1,...

Hello @rodluger I followed your way but when I tried your mcmc code following `"""MCMC example for transit fitting.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as pl from everest import Everest, TransitModel import numpy...

**In mcmc.py code how can I set up following line** `x0 = [[8.368 + 0.01 * np.random.randn(), 1978.4513 + 0.01 * np.random.randn(), 0. + 0.1 * np.random.randn()] for k in...

I am studying exoplanet candidates to confirm them. Now please help me @rodluger @ericagol

It is easy to find out time of transit using Lightkurve Python package but the period search it is not easy because using different algorithm it varies. Could you please...