The file `data_loader.py` should be in the same directory.
Follow the quick start guide here for the steps. https://github.com/miranthajayatilake/YOLOw-Keras/blob/master/README.md
Hi, here are the steps! 1. Clone this repository to your PC 2. Download any Darknet model cfg and weights from the official YOLO website. 3. Convert the downloaded cfg...
All the yad2k helper functions are included in the repo. Clone the repo properly and run, so you won't get these errors.
Yes. This project was done before yolo3 was released. So the size 608 was with the yolov2 model. Correct. 'import image' is not needed. I will remove it from the...
Use the correct pre-trained model from yolo. The shape (608,608) is for the yolo.h5 model.